WestMED Initiative contribution to 4HELIX+ webinar: It’s time for the Blue Economy
Ten partners, 30 months duration, Euro 480.000 vouchers allocated to selected BLUE MED MSMEs and START-Ups for implementing their innovation projects under the guidance of Knowledge Providers, are the main indicators of a success, whose lessons learned could be indicated in:
-transnational co-operation at regional level;
-digital innovation as a key factor for SMEs resilience;
-innovation supported by proper governance to produce concrete economic value ;
-capacity building, technical assistance, innovative financing schemes (e.g. innovation vouchers) and solid capitalization mechanisms as approaches to let « blue » SMEs take the lead on the Blue Economy transition in the Mediterranean
Barcelona Chamber of Commerce (thank you Victor Soria Corral!), as the project coordinator, has chosen Westmed Assistance Mechanism (together with Blue Economy expert Raffaele Mancini, and ASCAME’s Anna Escoda) to represent the follow-up potential of such an experience, in new projects, initiatives, calls, investments, face to over 90 organizations joining the event.
With its direct coverage of National Hubs in the 5+5 Dialogue countries, Westmed Initiative is an accelerator for the co-operation among stakeholders of the Blue Growth, on the northern and southern shore of the Mediterranean basin.
Leonardo Manzari, NH for Italy, presented the Westmed Initiative and its Assistance Mechanism, gaining interest of some organizations, which started networking immediately after the webinar.
Well done 4Helix+ and Buon vento!!!
Click to watch the recording (access code: Q0ZgG+q4)