announcement of the brochure with an mock image of the report

WestMED brochure – 6 years on…

After 6 years, The WestMED initiative has a lot to show for.

115 sustainable blue economy projects were supported by the WestMED Assistance Mechanism, with 45 projects having been awarded funding by different EU and non-EU institutions and programmes.

All these projects combined stand for a substantial 78.1 Million euro being invested in a stronger sustainable blue economy while at the same time fostering cross border relationships

In the meantime, the reach of the Initiative has spread well beyond the WestMED member countries.

Organisations from 31 different countries benefitted from the work done – basically by joining consortia that were quite often the result from the networking activities by the different WestMED National Hubs.

While the focus of the projects is still on Western Mediterranean, its effects therefore extend to the full Mediterranean region – and more.

Also at a governance level, the wheels have been turning with a new Ministerial Declaration in 2023, streamlining the priorities and a recommitment by all 10 member countries to the Initiative.

In 2022 the WestMED Initiative joined forces with two other EU Sea Basin Strategies: the Atlantic Action Plan and the Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea. Many of the challenges and opportunities are similar in the different basins. Actively fostering synergies will help all parties involved find quicker and better solutions.

Download the brochure to get a recap of all these major developments, results  and key statistics – including an overview of all the WestMED supported projects that have been awarded funding to see the light of day.