Group of people posing in an office room. decarbonsation meeting

The Atlantic Action Plan, WestMED Initiative, Port of Vigo, DG MARE, MAPA and the Energy Transition Partnership streamline port and vessel decarbonization actions

On May 13, 2024 a meeting was held in Brussels to discuss concrete decarbonization opportunities for ports and vessels between some major stakeholders and EU policy makers

The meeting was attended by the WestMED National Hub Spain, the Atlantic Action Plan (AAP), DG MARE, Vigo Port Authorities, the Energy Transition Partnership (ETP) and the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA).

Marta Pascual (WestMED & Atlantic National Hub Spain/ member of WestMED’s Technical Group on Green Shipping) and Gerardo González (Port Authority of Vigo), presented their respective decarbonization prototype reports. The observations and suggestions in these reports were based on stakeholder discussions held in Mahón, Menorca for the WestMED and Vigo, Spain for the Atlantic.

Carlos Botana, president of the Port Authotity Vigo (and  Atlantic Action Plan – Pillar 1 coordinator on ports) also presented a roadmap on potential energy sources and the prototypes needed to facilitate the energy transition of the different maritime fleets.

The discussion focused on the main challenges encountered when finding solutions for energy sources and adapting the various maritime fleets towards the energy transition needs. The proposed prototypes were analyzed,  potential funding opportunities discussed and ways of collaboration explored to increase critical mass for joint and coordinated action.

This mutual exchange was productive with specific follow-up actions agreed amongst the participants to advance these decarbonization efforts both through the WestMED Initiative and the Atlantic Action Plan.

STAY TUNED and watch this website or follow us on Twitter for the latest developments

For more information contact Marta Pascual (WestMED National Hub Spain)

Read the press release by the Port Authority of Vigo


16,00 – 16,10 Tour de table with presentations of those participating (all present)
16,10 – 16, 20 Context of both documents to be presented at the meeting


Marta Pascual – Spanish National Hub Atlantic Action Plan & WestMED Initiative

16,20 – 16,35 Presentation of the Atlantic Pillar I decarbonization prototypes report


Gerardo González – AAP Vigo

16,35 – 16,45 Presentation of the Blue Growth Strategy of Port of Vigo


Carlos Botana – President of Port Authority of Vigo

16,45 – 17,00 Presentation of the WestMED decarbonization prototypes report


Marta Pascual – Spanish National Hub Atlantic Action Plan & WestMED Initiative

17,00 – 17,10 Presentation of the needs and potential funding opportunities for such prototypes


Marta Pascual – Spanish National Hub Atlantic Action Plan & WestMED Initiative

17,10 – 17,45 Open discussion between ETP team and participants to seek for synergies, collaboration opportunities, how some of these could be embedded into the 2024 ETP roadmap, etc


All present

17,45 – 18,00 Closing remarks and closing of the meeting

 Ana Peralta – DG MARE / Carlos Botana – AAP Vigo / Francisco Manuel Fernández Martínez – MAPA / Marta Pascual – AAP & WestMED