
fisherman casting net

Call for Grants for small-scale fishers in the Mediterranean

Deadline: 15 May 2021
Budget: 5.000-20.000 euro
Countries: ES, FR, IT


  • Fisheries

Funding is available from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) to advance Mediterranean small-scale fisheries towards sustainability

The Grants are a way for WWF to support small-scale fisheries on their path towards sustainability by accelerating the use of funding available from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). Grants are reserved for fishers committed to submitting a Request for Funds to the National Authorities that manage the EMFF.

The WWF CALL FOR GRANTS pursues the following objectives:
• To provide Mediterranean small-scale fishers with the necessary co-financing and technical assistance to apply to EMFF for implementing actions towards a more sustainable fishing;
• To improve small-scale fishers’ capacity to apply to the EMFF;
• To increase small scale fishers’ interest in the EMFF and to accelerate the use of available funds to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable fishing;
• To accelerate the implementation of the Regional Plan of Action on Small-Scale Fisheries (RPOA-SSF) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

All information and document library available here