
swithmed aquaculture in tunisia

Soutien de l’ONUDI pour le développement de l’aquaculture durable en Tunisie dans le cadre de la composante Économie Bleue de SwitchMed

Le 10 mars, l’Organisation des Nations unies pour le développement industriel (ONUDI) a lancé un projet visant à appliquer des pratiques de production plus efficaces en termes de ressources et plus circulaires au sein de la chaîne de valeur de l’aquaculture en Tunisie lors d’un événement en ligne.

L’événement a permis de consulter des représentants du gouvernement tunisien, de la délégation de l’Union européenne et de 25 entreprises de l’industrie aquacole tunisienne sur la feuille de route du projet.

Au cours de l’année 2021, la première phase du projet se concentrera sur une analyse approfondie de la chaîne de valeur de l’industrie aquacole tunisienne afin d’identifier les domaines d’amélioration, tels que les opportunités de valorisation des sous-produits, le potentiel d’application des technologies SMART éco-innovantes et les synergies industrielles dans le secteur aquacole.

Pour en savoir plus

Communiqué de presse

Cliquer ici pour plus d’informations sur le projet « Économie Bleue » en Tunisie de l’ONUDI.

The event consulted with representatives from the Government of Tunisia, the European Union’s Delegation, and 25 companies from Tunisia’s aquaculture industry on the project roadmap.

Scheduled for 2021, the first phase of the project will undertake a value chain analysis of the Tunisian aquafarming industry to identify improvement areas, such as opportunities for the valorization of by-products, the potential of applying eco-innovative SMART technologies and industrial synergies in the aquafarming sector.

Read the full press release on the Switchmed website

Click here for a pdf with more information on the UNIDO Blue Economy project in Tunisia

Horizon 2020 | Produce components for various materials, including for food and feed, from microalgae | 4 April – 4 September 2019

4 April – 4 September 2019

The call opened the 4th of April 2019 and it is classified as a Bio-based Industries Innovation action – Demonstration (BBI-IA-DEMO).

Innovation actions – « Demonstration » aim to validate the technical and economic viability of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution in an operational environment. They contain mainly demonstrator activities corresponding to Technology Readiness Level (TRL) levels 6 to 7.


Demonstrate the efficient and sustainable cultivation, recovery and processing of microalgae and downstream production of high-value chemicals and/or materials including food and feed ingredients. The scope of this topic excludes energy carriers (such as liquid fuels or hydrogen) as the main products. Proposals should aim for large-scale continuous cultivation and recovery of microalgae, as well as separation and purification of the targeted products. Proposals should also aim at reducing inputs for microalgae cultivation such as energy, water, nutrients and CO2 (or other carbon sources in case heterotrophic microalgae are envisaged). Proposals should valorise as many as possible of the valuable compounds contained in the microalgae through a cascading approach.

Proposals should address all requirements for IA – demonstration actions as shown in Table 3, pp.24-25, in the Introduction of the Annual Work plan 2019 . The establishment of a demo-scale production facility, being it a new installation, a substantially modified existing facility, or the use of existing demo facilities is mandatory.


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