Spain News

group picture of advisory board sun&blue congress 2023

Marta Pascual, WestMED Spanish National Hub, appointed as member of the Sun&Blue Congress Advisory Board

Marta Pascual, WestMED Spanish National Hub, has been appointed as member of the Advisory Board of the Sun&Blue Congress 2023. The Advisory board consists of representatives from the public and private sectors of the tourism industry, with the main objective to advise on the program of the Congres that takes place on 15-17 November 2023 […]

WestMED Success Story: EMFAF Flagship Projects Accelerating Tourism Sustainability

The popularity of the Mediterranean sea and its coastal regions amongst tourists remains at an all time high. After a temporary covid dip, the latest figures show that numbers of tourists have already reached pre-pandemic levels and are further on the rise. Traditional model no longer viable Traditional ‘sun, sea and sand’ tourism has resulted […]

Memorandum of Understanding signed between World Ocean Council and the UfM/WestMED to boost private sector engagement in the Mediterranean Blue Economy

On March 28,2023, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the World Ocean Council (WOC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the UfM Headquarters in Barcelona. This, within  the framework of the 2021 UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy and Roadmap for its implementation, and the WestMED Initiative, supported by the UfM and […]

Announcement poster stakeholder conference with photo of La Valetta in Malta

Join us on 22 June in Malta for the 2023 edition of the WestMED Initiative stakeholder Conference

After the successful 2021 WestMED Stakeholder Conference in Rome and the 2022 Hackathons on project development in Malta, we invite you to the 2023 edition of the WestMED Stakeholder Conference. The Conference will be held on Thursday, 22 June 2023 in Malta. The event is open to all stakeholders that are contributing to improve the […]

EMD in my country poster

Boost your maritime event with EMD in my country 2023

Last year, over 600 EMD In My Country events took place all over Europe and beyond! It is time to break a new record to celebrate our blue planet this year! Any blue event between 1 April and 31st October 2023 can apply. There is no limitation: from beach clean-ups to educational tours or seafood […]

san sebastian aerial view

El Gobierno aprueba los Planes de Ordenación del Espacio Marítimo

Source: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico   Tienen como objetivo un desarrollo sostenible de los usos del mar, con coexistencia de actividades, en las cinco demarcaciones marinas Tienen como objetivo un desarrollo sostenible de los usos del mar, con coexistencia de actividades, en las cinco demarcaciones marinas Identifican Zonas de Uso […]