ProBleu, SHORE and BlueLightS: Three Funding Calls for Primary and Secondary Schools | Deadline differs per call: 15 – 21 November

In September 2024, three sister projects under the EU Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030”BlueLightS, SHORE, and ProBleu — will launch funding calls for schools involved with or interested in joining the Network of European Blue Schools (NEBS). These funding opportunities aim to enhance water and ocean literacy while supporting the Mission’s objectives and expanding the NEBS’s reach.

This is a fantastic opportunity for schools to secure funding for projects to enhance water and ocean literacy.

The three projects, under the EU Mission ‘Restore our ocean and waters by 2030”, are committed to increasing ocean literacy and fostering environmental stewardship in school communities. They have opened their calls with different timelines:

  • BlueLightS: Grants up to 3,000€. Opens on 15 September, closes on 15 November, with results announced on 20 January.
    BlueLightS Emphasises resilience and sustainability, BlueLightS encourages innovative approaches, requiring funded schools to participate in experimentation activities and Community of Practice meetings.
  • SHORE: Grants up to 10,000€. Opens on 18 September, closes on 20 November, with results announced in January.
    SHORE is focused on specific regions, SHORE supports projects in the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, Danube River, and Rhine River, with the backing of Country Hubs for regional impact.
  • ProBleu: Three category grants: 2,500, 5,000 and 7,500€. Opens on 20 September, closes on 21 November 23:59h CET, with results announced on 24 January.
    ProBleu offers support for both marine and freshwater initiatives, encouraging schools to submit citizen science projects.

Visit their respective webpages for details about the calls. Below an overview for the timeline related to each call


blue schools funding calls 2024 indicitative calendar