The Sea Basin Strategies’ Assistance Mechanism (SBS AM) attended the European Ocean Days 2025 where the new European Ocean Pact was also discussed. This article reflects on the new advancements of the Ocean Pacts, as presented during the Ocean Days, and offers a perspective on the Pact’s importance for future support by the AM to […] team team2025-03-13 11:37:032025-03-13 12:37:31European Ocean Pact and the future of the oceans
Deadline to register for this 2nd Call for experts: 31st March 2025 (EOB). Only applications submitted within the deadline will be accepted. In case of too many applications, prioritization will be given to experts from Southern shore countries of the Western Mediterranean region. About the Technical Group on Sustainable Tourism Given the fact that tourism […] team team2025-03-10 16:20:282025-03-11 10:33:142nd Call for Experts: WestMED Technical Group on Sustainable Tourism | Deadline 31 March 2025 (EOB)
The WestMED Assistance Mechanism (WM-AM) has initiated several thematic discussion platforms. Current and future maritime developments are being discussed with lead stakeholders from the participating countries under the guidance of WM-AM facilitators, with a focus on concrete actions – often in the form of joint project development. To provide insights in the objectives and activities […] team team2025-02-10 12:37:072025-02-19 15:22:03Regular updates on WestMED (Technical) thematic stakeholder group activities
The Republic of Tunisia, represented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians abroad and the Secretariat General for Sea Affairs is assuming the co-presidency of the WestMED Initiative for a Sustainable Blue Economy in the Western Mediterranean from January 2025 until December 2026. Taking into consideration its strong commitment to the principles and […] team team2025-01-22 12:57:422025-02-19 15:17:48Tunisia assumes co-presidency of the WestMED Initiative
Maritime transport and Ports probably represent the core sector, to win the challenge of sustainability of the Blue Economy, considering its impact in terms of Gross Value Added (GVA) and jobs creation across the EU and its neighbouriung regions. Greening the EU maritime transport is therefore pivotal to ‘green’ the EU blue economy at large […] team team2024-11-30 09:13:452025-02-13 07:56:23Launch of S3 Thematic partnership “Shipbuilding Propulsion Systems Alliance” with 26 partners from 3 EU sea basins
On 3 October 2024, 87 practioners and policymakers from 15 countries met in Vilamoura, Portugal to discuss project ideas and possible funding sources. This was the 3rd WestMED hackathon after previous succesful sessions in Palermo (2019) and Malta (2022). This year’s Hackathon with the title ‘Crafting Sustainable Blue Economy Projects’ was hosted and co-organised by […]
European Ocean Pact and the future of the oceans
/in News /by Communication teamThe Sea Basin Strategies’ Assistance Mechanism (SBS AM) attended the European Ocean Days 2025 where the new European Ocean Pact was also discussed. This article reflects on the new advancements of the Ocean Pacts, as presented during the Ocean Days, and offers a perspective on the Pact’s importance for future support by the AM to […]
2nd Call for Experts: WestMED Technical Group on Sustainable Tourism | Deadline 31 March 2025 (EOB)
/in News /by Communication teamDeadline to register for this 2nd Call for experts: 31st March 2025 (EOB). Only applications submitted within the deadline will be accepted. In case of too many applications, prioritization will be given to experts from Southern shore countries of the Western Mediterranean region. About the Technical Group on Sustainable Tourism Given the fact that tourism […]
Regular updates on WestMED (Technical) thematic stakeholder group activities
/in News /by Communication teamThe WestMED Assistance Mechanism (WM-AM) has initiated several thematic discussion platforms. Current and future maritime developments are being discussed with lead stakeholders from the participating countries under the guidance of WM-AM facilitators, with a focus on concrete actions – often in the form of joint project development. To provide insights in the objectives and activities […]
Tunisia assumes co-presidency of the WestMED Initiative
/in News /by Communication teamThe Republic of Tunisia, represented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians abroad and the Secretariat General for Sea Affairs is assuming the co-presidency of the WestMED Initiative for a Sustainable Blue Economy in the Western Mediterranean from January 2025 until December 2026. Taking into consideration its strong commitment to the principles and […]
Launch of S3 Thematic partnership “Shipbuilding Propulsion Systems Alliance” with 26 partners from 3 EU sea basins
/in News /by Communication teamMaritime transport and Ports probably represent the core sector, to win the challenge of sustainability of the Blue Economy, considering its impact in terms of Gross Value Added (GVA) and jobs creation across the EU and its neighbouriung regions. Greening the EU maritime transport is therefore pivotal to ‘green’ the EU blue economy at large […]
WestMED Hackathon 2024: Crafting Sustainable Blue Economy Projects
/in News /by Communication teamOn 3 October 2024, 87 practioners and policymakers from 15 countries met in Vilamoura, Portugal to discuss project ideas and possible funding sources. This was the 3rd WestMED hackathon after previous succesful sessions in Palermo (2019) and Malta (2022). This year’s Hackathon with the title ‘Crafting Sustainable Blue Economy Projects’ was hosted and co-organised by […]