
  • Development of synergies with FAO initiative and others initiatives

    6 December 2019 National Hub Mauritania

    The national hub took part in all the events organized at national level related to the promotion of the blue economy. He was involved in the evaluation of the 2015-2019 fisheries strategy and the development of a program for inland fisheries and fish farming in Mauritania (in collaboration with FAO). It is also involved in the […]

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  • Sustainability of marine resources and preservation of biodiversity: Morocco on the path to a Blue Economy

    5 December 2019 Communication team

    The first MSPglobal national training course took place in Rabat (Morocco) on 27-28 November 2019.

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  • A continuous effort to promote the WestMED Initiative at the national level

    30 November 2019 National Hub Mauritania

    The head of the national hub has established a regular contact with the Minister of Fisheries, to make him aware of the WestMED initiative and its objectives and to obtain his agreement for the organization of the national event on the blue economy at the beginning of the year 2020. In this context, the Minister […]

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  • WestMED Initiative represented at Business2Sea event

    National Hub Portugal

    The 9th edition of Business2Sea, organised by Fórum Oceano, the WestMED Portuguese National Hub, in collaboration with CETMAR Foundation, took place between the 11th and 13th of November 2019, at Alfandega Porto Congress Centre, in Oporto. This year, the event was dedicated to the main theme “Healthy Oceans and the Sustainable Use of Marine Resources”, under the framework of the Sustainable Development Goal 14: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.

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  • Malta’s Vision on R&I post-2020 – Marine and Blue Biotech focus group organised by MCST

    26 November 2019 National Hub Malta

    In bid to highlight the scope of the WestMED Initiative within the context of deriving policy particularly for the post 2020 period, the National Hub has participated on the 15 November in an event organised by the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) on the future of smart specialisation within the marine focus group.

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