KICs tackling water scarcity in Southern Europe: A call for experts will be launched soon
5 mars 2020 Communication team
In 2020 the KICs will be establishing a group of experts on water scarcity in Southern Europe, delivering focused entrepreneur challenge labs for start-ups and organising the EIT Water Academy for water scarcity challenge education. The KICs will also be running EIT workshops with public bodies and other stakeholders across different regions and communication activities […]
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23 février 2020 Communication team
This article was published first here by MEDPAN on the 19 February. Author: Ignasi Mateo, SCP/RAC Are you concerned with marine litter pollution in your MPA? Plastic Busters MPAs is here to support you! Plastic Busters MPAs[ is a 48-month-long project funded by Interreg Mediterranean aiming to support and work with MPA managers […]
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The Algeria National Hub joins the WestMED stand at Euromaritime
14 février 2020 National Hub Algeria
On 5 February 2020, the Algeria National Hub of the WestMED Initiative has participated to the side event organized by the French National Hub at the Euromaritime 2020 in Marseille in collaboration with “les Énergies de la Mer”. This event was dedicated to the presentation of activities of different stakeholders at the national level (France, […]
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National Hub Portugal
Os encontros tiveram como objetivo identificar os interesses dos stakeholders relativamente a temáticas, projetos e parcerias, que continuem a alimentar o processo de cooperação no Mediterrâneo Ocidental. As reuniões foram ainda de grande relevância para alinhar interesses entre os parceiros portugueses, antecedendo o Evento Nacional, que se realizar-se-á no dia 27 de fevereiro, nas instalações do IPMA, em Lisboa.
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L’initiative OuestMED se déplace à Euromaritime 2020
12 février 2020 National Hub France
L’équipe du hub national France a organisé un événement national le 05 février lors du salon Euromaritime à Marseille, en collaboration avec les Énergies de la Mer. Outre l’événement national, le hub national a assuré une présence du 04 au 06 février sur le salon avec un stand dédié. Cela fut l’occasion d’échanger sur l’initiative […]
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