
  • Une nouvelle feuille de route du secteur des pêches et de l’économie maritime en Mauritanie

    5 décembre 2023 National Hub Mauritania

    Le Ministre des Pêches et de l’Economie Maritime Monsieur Moktar Al Housseynou LAM a ouvert vendredi 01 décembre 2023 à Hôtel MauriCenter à Nouakchott un atelier de concertation de deux jours, portant sur la feuille de route relative à la relance du secteur des pêches et de l’économie maritime. Lors de son mot d’ouverture, le […]

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  • CLUSTER Policy Report – Blue economy as an opportunity for enhancing youth and women’s employment in the Mediterranean

    4 décembre 2023 Communication team

      Source: enicbcmed website In a move towards addressing youth unemployment, the CLUSTER project published its policy report focusing on the Blue Economy (BE) in the Mediterranean. The report underscores the pivotal role of sustainable ocean resource management in creating employment opportunities, particularly for the youth and women in the region. These are its key findings: Youth […]

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  • COP28: European Commission commits €1 million to Blue Mediterranean Partnership

    3 décembre 2023 Communication team

    On Saturday 2 December, at the Blue Mediterranean Partnership’s pledging conference, the European Commission committed to pledge €1 million to the recently established Blue Mediterranean Partnership. This collaborative initiative is designed to catalyse sustainable blue economy investments in the non-EU countries of the Mediterranean region, with a focus on the Southern Neighbourhood. It is spearheaded […]

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  • Call for workshops for the European Maritime Days 2024

    13 novembre 2023 Communication team

    The Call for workshops for the EMD 2024 in Svendborg Denmark,  is now open! The European Maritime Day (EMD) is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and outline joint action on maritime affairs and sustainable blue economy. Stakeholder workshops are at the core of the conference. Each workshop lasts […]

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  • La Commission propose des possibilités de pêche pour 2024 en mer Méditerranée et mer Noire

    Egbert Hoogstad

    La Commission a adopté aujourd’hui sa proposition relative aux possibilités de pêche pour 2024 pour la mer Méditerranée et la mer Noire. Cette proposition encourage la gestion durable des stocks halieutiques en mer Méditerranée et en mer Noire et concrétise les engagements politiques pris dans les déclarations «MedFish4Ever» et de Sofia. La Commission propose d’utiliser […]

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