Malta News

EMD in my country poster

Boost your maritime event with EMD in my country 2023

Last year, over 600 EMD In My Country events took place all over Europe and beyond! It is time to break a new record to celebrate our blue planet this year! Any blue event between 1 April and 31st October 2023 can apply. There is no limitation: from beach clean-ups to educational tours or seafood […]

Stephanie Vella at MMF event - 16 february 2023

Dr. Stephanie Vella zooms in on the importance of sea basin partnerships at ESG Conference

On 16 February, 2023  a conference was organised by the Malta Maritime Forum tackling ESG from every angle including the legal, economic, banking, industry and financing implications. Dr. Stephanie Vella (WestMED National Hub Malta) was part of the panel providing an insight into the economic aspect of ESG and the use of EU funds in […]

Malta Science and Technology event on Sustainble Blue Economy Partnership - 16 February 2023

WestMED National Hub Malta highlights its project matchmaking role during the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership event at the Malta Council for Science and Technology

On the 15th February, the Malta Council for Science and Technology organised an evening with stakeholders in order to launch the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership. During the event, which was also attended by the Parliament Secretary for Youth, Research and Innovation, MCST provided a detailed overview of the Partnership including the pillars and its key […]

Finger pressing search bar

New domain name for WestMED website and emails

The WestMED Initiative has received a new domain name for all its communications: It means that both the website, as well as the email addresses have changed. The website can now be accessed through: All emails will receive the extension. So the new email for Algeria for instance is now: Below […]

Lighthouse Chania after sunset

A landmark document: Roadmap for the implementation of the 2021 UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy (SBE) in the Mediterranean

Source: based on article UfM stakeholder platform Following the adoption by the 43 member countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) in February 2021 of the 2nd UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy (SBE), the UfM countries, Co-Presidency, and Secretariat, agreed to create a Roadmap for the implementation of the 2021 Ministerial. This, […]

Conference room table with micrrophones

The WestMED Iniatiative welcomes the Mauritanian/ Maltese Co-Presidency in 2023

In 2023, Mauritania will co-chair the WestMED Steering Committee along with Malta in accordance with the principle of rotation among the participating WestMED countries (France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Malta, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania). The Mauritanian Co-Presidency will keep supporting the six priorities agreed by the countries in 2018 on the common roadmap for […]