Actualités Italie

Group of people at the Blue Mediterranean partnership agreement signing at COP28

Blue Mediterranean Partnership steps up support for sustainable blue economy

EIB, EBRD, UfM, EC, AFD, CDP, KfW, donors and beneficiary countries sign cooperation agreement at COP28 Blue Mediterranean Partnership to support transition to a sustainable blue economy in the Mediterranean region Partnership to start operating in early 2024 Partners aim to mobilise at least €1 billion in investments At COP28, partners and donors involved in […]

announcement poster EMD 2024

Call for workshops for the European Maritime Days 2024

The Call for workshops for the EMD 2024 in Svendborg Denmark,  is now open! The European Maritime Day (EMD) is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and outline joint action on maritime affairs and sustainable blue economy. Stakeholder workshops are at the core of the conference. Each workshop lasts […]

fishing boat-trawler with seagulls

La Commission propose des possibilités de pêche pour 2024 en mer Méditerranée et mer Noire

La Commission a adopté aujourd’hui sa proposition relative aux possibilités de pêche pour 2024 pour la mer Méditerranée et la mer Noire. Cette proposition encourage la gestion durable des stocks halieutiques en mer Méditerranée et en mer Noire et concrétise les engagements politiques pris dans les déclarations «MedFish4Ever» et de Sofia. La Commission propose d’utiliser […]

MedFish4Ever rollups for the conference

Mediterranean fisheries and aquaculture: outcomes of GFCM high-level conference on MedFish4Ever initiatives

This week, the European Commission and 20 EU and Mediterranean states renewed their commitments to deliver on their sustainability pledges made in the MedFish4Ever Declaration. The 2017 MedFish4Ever Declaration has been a cornerstone in regional fisheries governance, catalysing action to build a regulatory framework for sustainable management and development. Six years down the road, Mediterranean […]

group photo of people celebrating launch of EMFAF projects 2023

New EMFAF Regional flagship projects just kicked off their work!

Source: CINEA website The EMFAF Regional flagships call, with a budget of EUR 7.6 million, focused on EU sea basins cooperation; in particular the Atlantic, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, the Baltic Sea Region and the EU Outermost Regions. Ten new projects just kicked off. Four projects are related to the Mediterranean: Green Marine Med, […]

people on stage during WestMED desalination event 2023 at the BluePlanet expoforum

WestMED Hub National Italie organise avec succès un événement sur le dessalement lors du BluePlanet Economy Forum 2023

Le 11 octobre 2023, le Hub national italien de WestMED a organisé un événement très réussi sur le dessalement en collaboration avec BIG (Blue Italian Growth) et Federazione del Mare lors du BluePlanet Economy Forum 2023 à Rome. L’accent a été mis sur l’urgence et l’importance du dessalement en Méditerranée, avec une attention particulière pour […]