Training course “Financing the cooperation in the Mediterranean through European programs” | 2 – 3 April 2020 | Lyon
France Clusters is launching its brand new training session “Financing the cooperation in the Mediterranean through European programs”.
The training programme will focus on Erasmus+ Call for proposals Capacity Building in the field of higher education 2020 and 2014-2020 ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme.
The general objectives of the training
- Acquire knowledge and practical information about EU funding opportunities to support cooperation in the Mediterranean, notably Erasmus+ call for proposals Capacity Building in the field of higher education 2020 and 2014-2020 ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme, through specific and project-oriented sessions
- Improve practical skills related to the application process (including how to interpret correctly a call for proposal, how to design and develop effective project ideas, how to fill the application form) through cooperative compilation of application forms and the analysis of successful projects
- Learn and get guidance on the preparation and management of financial, budgeting and contractual aspects through concrete examples and direct evidences
- Get news on the funding opportunities for the next programming period 2021-2027
- Make contacts with potential project partners both from Europe and South-Mediterranean countries
Please check the flyer for more details on the programme of both days.
Who can attend
The training session targets most notably cluster managers, members of cluster management teams (innovative managers, project managers, etc), but also representatives of business networks and higher education institutions both from Europe and South-Mediterranean countries. The working language is English.
Where & when does the training session take place?
02 and 03 April 2020, in Lyon, France.
Participants can decide to participate either to one or both days.
Training fees
1 day: EUR 480 VAT excluded/ per person (for France Clusters’ members) or EUR 780 VAT excluded/ per person (for NOT members)
2 days: EUR 960 VAT excluded/ per person (for France Clusters’ members) or 1560 VAT excluded/ per person (for NOT members)
South-Mediterranean clusters
Training fees and travel costs for cluster managers or members of cluster management teams from South Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia) can be supported by THE NEXT SOCIETY project.
Why should I participate?
Participants will receive practical information on 2 different types of funding opportunities offered by EU programmes supporting the cooperation between European and South Mediterranean organizations, including clusters and business networks, which are expected to launch new calls for proposals in the next few months.
Projects approved in the past, involving European and/or South-Med clusters, include for instance:
- FOSTEX– Fostering innovation in the Jordan and Moroccan textile industry (Erasmus+ programme)
- TEX-MED ALLIANCES– Textile Mediterranean Alliances for Business Development, Internationalization and Innovation (2014-2020 ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme)
- MedSNAIL– Sustainable Networks for Agro-food Innovation Leading in the Mediterranean (2014-2020 ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme)
I am interested, how to participate?
Please fill the application form ( available here: to confirm your interest.
Looks interesting for my network, how can you support?
- Know any cluster manager or cluster colleague both at national/international level potentially interested in our training? please connect us!
- Alternatively, please share this information around you
Additional information or clarifications?
Reach out Sara Botti, Europe and international project officer at France Clusters; +33 (0)4 72 91 27 07; Skype: botti.sara