Training: HORIZON EUROPE – CROSS CUTTING ISSUE: The international cooperation in Horizon Europe | 13 July 2023 | Online

13 juillet 2023 - 13 juillet 2023

APRE training announcement poster

The webinar – held in English – aims to provide participants with information useful to make the most of the opportunities offered by Horizon Europe for international cooperation with third countries in the field of Research and Innovation.

Starting from the political background and the regulatory framework that defines values and principles for the implementation of the new European strategy for international cooperation in Science and Technology, the webinar will explore key aspects and perspectives, also providing the state of the art of the third countries associated to Horizon Europe and highlighting the research areas and the strategic initiatives which currently concerns the EU external action and Science Diplomacy.

In particular, a focus of the webinar will be on EU cooperation with the Mediterranean area and the Balkans; therefore, opportunities and initiatives involving these areas will be presented, also exploring concrete examples of Horizon projects involving third countries.

Furthermore, particular attention will be given to partnership opportunities in sectors of interest to participants, such as: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture & Environment, and Climate, Energy and Mobility.

Trainer Mathilde De Bonis has a Master Degree in European Studies – Policies and Institutions of the European Union – and a Professional Master in European Citizenship and Euro-Mediterranean integration. Since 2019, she works in APRE as part of the Horizon “Health” competence team and as a Project Manager in several EU projects and initiatives, also with third countries.

She is Head of Unit “Training & New Services” and coordinates the International Cooperation Group in APRE, while is responsible of APRE’s activities and relations with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Short cv available also in Italian at Catalogo dei Formatori APRE.


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