Sustainable Tourism in the WestMED: strengthening ties with Southern partners | 15 December 2020 | Webinar
15 décembre 2020 - 15 décembre 2020
The WestMED Assistance Mechanism is promoting a series of webinars in partnership with BlueMed. A first webinar was organised by BlueRoSES and BlueMed and included the participation of the WestMED AM on 10 November 2020. The event on strengthening ties and opportunities with Southern Partners will be held on 15th December. It is hosted by WestMED will allow the showcase of some BlueMed projects as well. The idea behind this collaboration is to create increasing synergies between the two initiatives
The workshop will offer an opportunity for an initial brainstorming on gaps and opportunities emerging from the results, best practices and lessons learned of projects with a regional dimension developed in the Mediterranean Sea in the sector of coastal and maritime tourism.
Objectives of the initiative
The general objective of such webinars is to investigate some pivotal areas for further project development and support the exchange between existing projects and a broader range of sectoral stakeholders across the western Mediterranean – and the Mediterranean at large. Additionally, these events will provide the opportunity to identify useful elements for future discussions on future projects that take in due consideration the existing ones, and build on that, as well as the new scenarios and challenges imposed by the pandemic.
Overall structure and dynamics foreseen
It will allow to exchange on the support needed for a full resilience of the sector, with a stronger emphasis on some interesting regional practices to be potentially capitalised into new southern projects. The event will allow some regional projects to showcase their practices and will then allow southern relevant practitioners to comment on those and the opportunities these could provide for southern projects.