MedLab Annual Meeting – discussions on Post-27 | 25-26 June 2024 | Hbrid (Brussels-online)

24 juin 2024 - 25 juin 2024

Medlab annual event announcement poster June 2024

This event will be back to back with the WestMED Steering Committee and has active participation by The WestMED Assistance Mechanism. Celia Murcia (WestMED Assistance Mechanism Coordinator) and Thanos Smanis (Blue Economy and Synergies expert) will attend in-person. 

Cooperation in the Mediterranean is a continuous and active process that goes beyond traditional naval and maritime security operations. It includes a wide-ranging framework that includes environmental protection, economic collaboration, cultural exchange, and governance. The Mediterranean region has a rich history of diverse civilizations and economic activities. It faces unique challenges and opportunities that need joint efforts from various stakeholders.

In recent years, Mediterranean programs and key stakeholders have been actively meeting within the MedLab to discuss how their working methods and functions can create more synergies, increase complementarities, and coordinate their impact more effectively. This involves assuming responsibilities and defining roles for the European Commission, Programme Authorities (transnational, cross-border, interregional), and National and Regional Authorities. It also involves the projects and partnerships that drive these efforts forward.

Several strategic frameworks and initiatives play vital roles in this cooperation. The EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), the WestMed Maritime Initiative, and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) are territorial and strategic frameworks.

How do programmes see their role when speaking about coordination across funds and initiatives?

The workshop
The discussion of Interreg programs post-2027 is particularly significant. This workshop aims to explore how we can enhance better coordination, synergies, and innovative approaches in the Mediterranean and there is a critical need to make maritime cooperation more meaningful and integrated within the broader regional development framework.

Parallel consultations with program authorities and stakeholders, such as those conducted during the Interreg Knowledge Fair, have already provided valuable insights. These consultations will continue, focusing on identifying what works well within Interreg and other initiatives, pinpointing gaps, and areas for improvement, and envisioning strategic changes that could make a significant difference. The discussions will feed into the Harvesting Report for Post 27 which will be the main outcome of this meeting.

During the meeting, we will also look at different existing examples aiming to support closer synergies in the region. At the end of this workshop, the Interreg Mediterranean Multi-programme coordination mechanism will present its Action Plan to the European Commission.

This event is held back-to-back with WestMed Maritime Initiative’s Steering Committee meeting (26 June, afternoon) and with the 15th regional Platform on Sustainable Blue Economy (27 June).


When: 24-25 June 2024
Where: Brussels, Belgium
More information/ registration: Visit the webpage on the interact website