ICOE 2021: Energizing a Powerful Blue Economy | 28-30 April 2021 | Online

28 avril 2021 - 30 avril 2021

event announcement poster

Source: Ocean energy Europe website

The ICOE 2021 virtual gathering will offer a combination of live and on-demand sessions and presentations, with opportunities for live Q&As with industry leaders discussing device innovation, new market developments and regulatory frameworks to spur commercialization. Attendees will have access to over 100 ePosters and listen to over 80 oral paper presentations.

The ICOE virtual event is being “hosted” by the United States. The National Hydropower Association (NHA)’s Marine Energy Council, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy and Ocean Energy Systems (OES), is organizing the three-day virtual event. OES is an intergovernmental technology collaboration program involving the 29 countries that are members of the International Energy Agency.

More information and registration 

Vist the event page on the ocean energy europe website