Demonstration of sustainable wave energy farms | Deadline: 16 January 2024

Deadline: 16 January 2024
Budget: €38.000.000
Countries: Algeria, France, Italy, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia
More information:   funding and tender opportunities portal by the European Commission 


Demonstration of sustainable wave energy pilot farms (minimum 2.0 MW installed capacity and at least 4 devices) in full operational conditions for long periods of time is essential to advance this sector. It is the way to bridge the gap from technology development to market development while reducing costs, reducing risks and attracting investors for future commercial projects. The farms should be composed of several devices of the same type.

The wave energy farms have to be connected to the electricity grid. To focus on the technologies with the greatest chances of success, the single wave energy device to be used in the array deployment is expected to be satisfactorily demonstrated at full scale before, with limited changes to incorporate the learnings. Any change on the wave energy device may be incremental but should not involve fundamental changes to the device design or composition. The innovation component should mainly lie on the pilot farm systems and supporting industrial manufacturing activities that enable a cost-effective and high-performance pilot farm. Where established, stage-gate processes can help ensure that this approach is followed.

The project is expected to deploy a wave energy farm with a minimum capacity of 2 MW and operate the farm at least 2 years in the lifetime of the project. After the project it is expected that the farm will continue to be operated for at least 8 years. The project should develop and execute an effective operation and maintenance programme.

Proposals are expected to address also all the following for both the supporting infrastructure for the farm and for the individual devices themselves:

  • Industrial design and manufacturing processes including set up of an industrial supply chain, circularity of (critical) raw materials, sustainability, scalability, installation methods, transport, operation & maintenance, supply chains and the related digital infrastructures.
  • Projects are requested to demonstrate the technologies at sea while respecting existing environmental regulatory framework. Necessary mitigation measures should be integrated to protect habitats and species. Present an environmental monitoring plan to be implemented during the demonstration action. Environmental monitoring data should be open source and be shared with EMODNET and the IEA OES environmental task.

The project has to include a clear go/no go moment ahead of entering the deployment phase. Before this go/no-go moment, the project has to deliver the detailed engineering plans, a techno-economic assessment, including key performance indicators based on international recognized metrics, a complete implementation plan and all needed permits for the deployment of the project., The project proposal is expected to present a clear and convincing pathway to obtaining necessary permits for the demonstration actions and allow for appropriate timelines to achieve these. The project is expected also to demonstrate how it will get a financial close for the whole action. For this the use of other EU/national/regional support mechanisms can be considered. Independent experts will assess all deliverables and will advise for the go/no-go decision.

The exploitation plans should include preliminary plans for scalability, commercialisation, and deployment (feasibility study, business plan, financial model) indicating the possible funding sources to be potentially used (in particular the Innovation Fund).

Data from the pilot structures should be collected to understand the performance and behaviour of the structure and the surrounding environmental condition to optimise the concept and understand the environmental impact of wave energy harvesting.

The selected projects are expected to contribute to the BRIDGE initiative[1], actively participate to its activities and allocate up to 2% of their budgets to that end. Additional contributions to the ‘Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation’ (AIOTI) and other relevant activities (e.g. clusters of digital projects and coordinating actions) might be considered, when relevant.

Minimising climate impact on aquaculture: mitigation and adaptation solutions for future climate regimes | Deadline: 22 February 2024

Deadline: 22 February, 2024
Budget: €9.000.000
Countries: France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain
More information: dedicated funding page from the European Commission

Expected outcomes

  • Contribution to sustainable aquaculture systems (in marine and/or transitional, and/or fresh waters) for fair, safe, healthy, climate-resilient and environment-friendly food systems with low impact on aquatic ecosystems, supporting the European Green Deal and the farm to fork strategy, the “Strategic guidelines for a more sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture for the period 2021 to 2030[1]”, and the “Action plan for the development of organic production[2];
  • Implementation of innovations, such as dietary shifts and aspects of circularity, for a more sustainable and competitive European aquaculture enhancing aquaculture resilience to adverse consequences of climate change;
  • Positioning of European aquaculture production as the global reference for sustainability and quality, increase its competitiveness, reduce EU dependence on imports of fisheries and aquaculture products and create more jobs, especially in rural and coastal regions;
  • Contribution to aquaculture production with a reduced environmental footprint, advancing towards climate-neutrality;
  • Contribution to technologically-advanced aquaculture production (indicatively through the use of techniques such as artificial intelligence, sensors, internet-of-things and robotics), fully embedded in natural, social, ethical and economic sustainability.


System approach for grid planning and upgrade in support of a dominant electric mobility (vehicles and vessels) using AI tools | Deadline: 10 October 2023

Deadline: 10 October 2023
Budget: €11.000.000
Countries: Algeria,France, Italy, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia
More information: funding and tender opportunities portal by the European Commission 

Expected outcomes

  • AI-based prediction of most convenient locations that optimize grid resources and upgrades around recharging pools for EVs and electric HDVs.
  •  Developing of spatial mapping models and software tool for location decision-making with a comprehensive focus, including major highways, industrial zones (depot charging), urban nodes (e.g., for overnight charging) and less-densely populated areas.
  • Simulation, analysis, design, test and demonstration of smart and bidirectional charging schemes and their integration into flexibility markets that allow to minimise the impact on grid planning and connection of high-power recharging pools for recharging EVs, and especially HDVs on more cost-intensive locations, and that ensure benefits to consumers based on smart charging energy service models.
  • Exploration of the impact of different charging methods, including cable-charging, wireless charging and electric road systems covering either catenary as inductive coils embedded in the road.
  • Analysis, design, testing and developing of a cyber security model that can simulate and accurately represent attack propagation from recharging infrastructure entry vectors, informing the development of efficient strategies and lines of defence to mitigate these vulnerabilities for the different relevant stakeholders.

Supporting the clean energy transition of European businesses | Deadline 16 November 2023

Deadline: 16 November, 2023
Countries: France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain



As highlighted in the Green Deal Industrial Plan, the achievement of climate-neutrality by 2050 will require a full mobilisation and deeper cooperation among all players operating across the different value chains of Europe’s net-zero industry. Exposure to energy prices, increased global competition as well as potential transition risks linked to changing regulation, market demand and buyers/suppliers procurement criteria are increasing pressure on EU companies. New business models and financial schemes are needed to be able to adapt in the current energy crisis and take the decision to invest in an energy efficiency or renewable energy project.

The overall objective of this topic is to support the clean energy transition and decarbonisation of businesses by strengthening national and regional ecosystems for energy management systems and energy audits and by fostering collaborative approaches between companies. Synergies with relevant EU projects[4] and initiatives such as the Covenant of Companies for Climate and Energy (CCCE) and/or the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) are encouraged.

Proposals are expected to focus on one of the two scopes below. The scope addressed should be specified in the proposal’s introduction. In case a proposal addresses elements of more than one scope, this should be justified.

Scope A: Strengthening a favourable ecosystem for energy audits and energy management systems
Scope B: Fostering energy cooperation among companies

Proposals must be submitted by at least 3 applicants (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities) from 3 different eligible countries.

More information on the dedicated funding page from the European Commission

Horizon Europe: EUR 64.6 million available for projects in sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply | Deadline 10 October

Deadline: 10 October, 2023
Budget: €64.400.000
Countries: France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain


Following the adoption of the Horizon Europe 2023-2024 work programme, the European Commission has launched a new call for project proposals to support research and innovation under efficient, sustainable and inclusive energy use. This Destination includes activities targeting a sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply. This includes activities in the areas of renewable energy; energy system, grids and storage; as well as Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS)

The total indicative budget available is EUR 64.6 million. The deadline for submissions is 10 October 2023 17:00 CET Time.

The call covers 8 topics:

You can find all the information required, including the call text and application forms on the Funding and Tenders Portal using the call reference: HORIZON-CL5-2023-D3-03

More information on the dedicated funding page from the European Commission

MedFund/ MedPAN Call for Interest – Managing MPAs | Deadline 30 June 2023

Deadline: 30 June, 2023
Budget: USD 50-60K
Countries: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia – Albania, Lebanon, Montenegro

The MedFund’s mission is to support the long-term recurrent costs of managing Marine Protected Areas.

Eligible activities:

  • Co-management activities,
  • Salaries1(excluding administrative salaries),
  • Equipment and infrastructure maintenance, and small equipment purchases,
  • Surveillance and enforcement,
  • Active governance and stakeholder participation,
  • Awareness raising and communication,
  • Scientific monitoring (3 conservation targets),
  • Management activities for the protection of the conservation targets,
  • Promotion/support of socio-economic activities,
  • Consideration of climate change,
  • Gender approach: how to promote gender equality,
  • Establishment of income-generating activities for the MPA


For information and elgibility criteria visit the dedicated MedFund webpage


Call for expression of interest for new S3 partnerships, including on blue economy topics

S3 logo

Blue economy stakeholders can now form a Smart Specialisation (S3) interregional partnership by submitting their interest to the European Commission under the call for expression of interest for new S3 partnerships, under the Smart Specialisation Community of Practice (S3 CoP).

The application form to set up a new partnership is open continuously via the online application form, with two cut-off dates for application evaluation and communication of results, 16 June and 30 September 2023.

For more information on the partnership opportunity please visit the website.


MedBAN Open Call for Blue Economy SMEs (Internationalisation) | Deadline: 31 May 2023

Deadline: 31 May, 2023
Budget: €300.000
Countries: Spain, Portugal, France Italy, Greece


The open call for Internationalisation aims at providing financial support to SMEs working in the blue economy. The SMEs should focus on adapting processes and technologies for a greener, more digital and resilient blue economy. Specifically, this call aims to contribute to tackling the multiple challenges identified by MedBAN in the Mediterranean Sea Basin.

Independently of its position in the value-chain (e.g., producer, technology and equipment and infrastructure provider, end-user, support service provider), applicant SMEs need to be active in at least one of the following sectors:

  • Sustainable aquaculture;
  • Sustainable fisheries;
  • Sustainable tourism; 
  • Harbours; 
  • Marine renewable energies.

For more information download the documents in the MedBAN public folder and visit the MedBAN website

MedBAN Open Call for blue Economy SMEs (Innovation) | Deadline: 31 May 2023

Deadline: 31 May, 2023
Budget: €750.000
Countries: Spain, Portugal, France Italy, Greece


The open call for Innovation, Training and Twin Transformation call (ITTT) aims to provide financial support to SMEs working in the blue economy to support their innovation and twin transformation. The SMEs should focus on adapting processes and technologies for a greener, more digital and resilient blue economy. Specifically, this call aims to contribute to tackling the multiple challenges identified by MedBAN in the Mediterranean Sea Basin.

Independently of its position in the value-chain (e.g., producer, technology and equipment and infrastructure provider, end-user, support service provider), applicant SMEs need to be active in at least one of the following sectors:

  • Sustainable aquaculture;
  • Sustainable fisheries;
  • Sustainable tourism;
  • Harbours;
  • Marine renewable energies.

For more information download the documents here and visit the MedBAN website

Innovation Fund Small-Scale Projects | Deadline 19 September 2023

Deadline: 19 September, 2023
Budget: €100.000.000
Countries: France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain


The following activities can be funded under this topic:

  • activities that support innovation in low-carbon technologies and processes in sectors listed in Annex I to the EU ETS Directive 2003/87, including environmentally safe carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) that contributes substantially to mitigating climate change, as well as products substituting carbon-intensive ones produced in sectors listed in Annex I to the EU ETS Directive
  • activities that help stimulate the construction and operation of projects that aim at the environmentally safe capture and geological storage of CO2 (CCS)
  • activities that help stimulate the construction and operation of innovative renewable energy and energy storage technologies.

More information on the dedicated funding page from the European Commission