Entries by Communication team

Horizon 2020 | Secure societies | 14 March – 22 August 2019

The call opened the 14th of March 2019 and it is classified as a “ CSA Coordination and support action” and the focus area is: boosting the effectiveness of the Security Union. In Europe, practitioners interested in the uptake of security research and innovation are dedicated to performing their duty and are focused on their tasks.

ENI CBC Med | Strategic Projects | April – 3 July 2019

April – 3 July 2019| The “Strategic Projects” call started early April 2019. The Joint Monitoring Committee has selected 7 out of the Programme 11 priorities for the call for strategic projects. The chosen priorities and related EU financial allocation are: – A.1 Business and SMEs development: A.1.1 – Support innovative start-up and recently established […]

Interreg MED l Second call for horizontal projects l 9 May – 27 June 2019

The 2nd call for Strategic projects opened on 9 May 2019. Horizontal Projects have been established to connect and support the Modular projects’ implementation, promoting both, communication and capitalisation activities. Against this background, they act as a single interface for Modular projects providing the frame to develop synergies and scale up cooperation throughout the entire Interreg MED community including the Axis 4 platform project, PANORAMED and forthcoming Strategic Projects.

EMFF l Maritime Spatial Planning l 7 May – 4 September 2019

7 May – 4 September 2019 The objective of this call for proposals is to support the establishment and implementation of Maritime Spatial Plans in line with the objectives pursued in the framework of the MSP Directive. More specifically, this action intends to support Member States in setting up maritime spatial plans and ensuring plans are coherent and […]

MEDCOAST19: call for abstracts

Please kindly be informed that the deadline for on-line abstract submission for the 14th MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management and Conservation (MEDCOAST 19), 22-26 October 2019, Marmaris (Turkey),  will expire at 24 00 hours (Greenwich time) on May 31, Friday. The deadline will NOT be extended. The on-line abstract submission is […]

European Maritime Day 2019: Fórum Oceano promove workshop sobre o projeto SAFER

No âmbito do projeto SAFER – Smart Atlantic Seafood Clusters, cofinanciado pelo programa Interreg Espaço Atlântico, a Fórum Oceano irá promover o Workshop “Seafood as key sector for Blue Growth in the EU Regions”, no dia 17 de maio, pelas 09h00. A sessão enquadra-se na programação do European Maritime Day, que terá lugar no Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, nos dias […]

Le Sommet des deux rives, Forum de la Méditerranée

Fruit d’une initiative du Président de la République, le Sommet des deux rives, Forum de la Méditerranée, se tiendra à Marseille les 23 et 24 juin 2019. Au terme d’un exercice inédit de consultation de la société civile méditerranéenne, il a pour ambition de relancer la dynamique de coopération en Méditerranée occidentale par la mise […]

Fórum Oceano promove sessão sobre iniciativa WestMED na região do Algarve

Enquanto ponto focal nacional do mecanismo de assistência técnica à Iniciativa WestMED, a Fórum Oceano promoveu uma sessão de trabalho no Algarve, reunindo os stakeholders da região. O encontro teve lugar no dia 2 de maio, na CCDR Algarve, tendo como objetivo divulgar a Iniciativa, nomeadamente, âmbito, objetivos, plano de ação e temas prioritários, e conhecer os interesses dos atores […]

What is the future around Blue Jobs?

On the 30th of April our Spanish National Hub Marta Pascual gave a talk to 20 High School Students of Bilbao, Spain, about future job opportunities around Blue Jobs.   The talk covered what Blue Jobs exist today, what are the existing learning pathways to arrive to those jobs, what skills are highly demanded for […]