Entrées par Communication team

Horizon 2020 | Empower SME clusters to bring SMEs ‘across the valley of death’ | 4 April – 4 September 2019

Identify possible systems for enabling SME clusters to set up a platform where SME entrepreneurs in the bio-based industry and investors can exchange expertise and business opportunities that could lead to successful cooperation. The scope includes the necessary steps to ‘train the trainers’ as well as practical steps SMEs can use when preparing and presenting projects with a high level of investment readiness and building the capacity of SME clusters to build links with investors.

Horizon 2020 | Produce components for various materials, including for food and feed, from microalgae | 4 April – 4 September 2019

Proposals should aim for large-scale continuous cultivation and recovery of microalgae, as well as separation and purification of the targeted products. Proposals should also aim at reducing inputs for microalgae cultivation such as energy, water, nutrients and CO2 (or other carbon sources in case heterotrophic microalgae are envisaged). Proposals should valorise as many as possible of the valuable compounds contained in the microalgae through a cascading approach.

ENI CBC Med | Projets stratégiques | Avril – 3 Juillet 2019

Avril – 3 Juillet 2019| L’appel à Projets stratégiques a été ouvert début avril 2019 et aborde les 7 priorités suivantes : A.1.1 Soutenir les start-ups innovantes et les entreprises récemment créées, avec un accent particulier sur les jeunes et les femmes entrepreneurs, et faciliter la protection de leurs droits de propriété intellectuelle et de […]

EMFF l Maritime Spatial Planning l 7 May – 4 September 2019

7 May – 4 September 2019 The objective of this call for proposals is to support the establishment and implementation of Maritime Spatial Plans in line with the objectives pursued in the framework of the MSP Directive. More specifically, this action intends to support Member States in setting up maritime spatial plans and ensuring plans are coherent and […]

MEDCOAST19 | call for abstracts

Please kindly be informed that the deadline for on-line abstract submission for the 14th MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management and Conservation (MEDCOAST 19), 22-26 October 2019, Marmaris (Turkey),  will expire at 24 00 hours (Greenwich time) on May 31, Friday. The deadline will NOT be extended. The on-line abstract submission is […]

Comissário europeu Karmenu Vella visita stand da Iniciativa WestMED no European Maritime Day

A Iniciativa WestMED esteve representada na área expositiva do European Maritime Day, com presença assegurada pela Fórum Oceano, Ponto Focal Nacional do Mecanismo de Assistência à Iniciativa. No dia 16 de maio, o stand recebeu a visita do Comissário Europeu Karmenu Vella, após a sessão de abertura das celebrações do Dia Europeu do Mar. O […]

European Maritime Day 2019: Fórum Oceano promove workshop sobre o projeto SAFER

No âmbito do projeto SAFER – Smart Atlantic Seafood Clusters, cofinanciado pelo programa Interreg Espaço Atlântico, a Fórum Oceano irá promover o Workshop « Seafood as key sector for Blue Growth in the EU Regions », no dia 17 de maio, pelas 09h00. A sessão enquadra-se na programação do European Maritime Day, que terá lugar no Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, nos dias […]