Entrées par Communication team

PANACeA wrap up: the Mediterranean Ecosystem-based Declaration signed in Malaga

This article was published by Biodiversity Protection Community on the 14 October 2019. It is available here. The city of Malaga welcomed, 14-16 October 2019, an international three-days event on Biodiversity protection and management, gathering around 100 Mediterranean representatives to debate on effective collaboration mechanisms for more integrated management of our natural resources. Co-funded by […]

8éme réunion du Comité directeur OuestMED

Le Comité directeur OuestMED regroupe les coordonnateurs nationaux issus de ministères des pays participants (France, Italie, Portugal, Espagne, Malte, Algérie, Mauritanie, Maroc et Tunisie), la Commission européenne, le secrétariat de l’Union pour la Méditerranée et des observateurs de différentes organisations internationales et institutions financières. Le rôle de ce comité est d’assurer la coordination opérationnelle et l’orientation, et d’apporter le soutien nécessaire pour atteindre les résultats attendus.

OuestMED soutient la soumission de 10 nouveaux projets

Jusqu’à aujourd’hui, 10 projets régionaux ont été activement soutenus par le Mécanisme d’assistance et les Hubs nationaux en réponse à des appels d’offres tels que EMFF, Interreg MED, JPI Oceans, Horizon 2020, ENI CBC. L’Initiative OuestMED a aidé la préparation et la soumission de projets dans des domaines tels que le tourisme durable, les qualifications innovantes, les nouvelles technologies, les outils et stratégies innovantes pour une aquaculture durable, la compétitivité des ports et la promotion des outils technologiquement avancés.

Launch of the BlueInvest Platform

The European Commission has launched on 13 September the Blue Invest Platform which aims to support investment readiness and access to finance for early-stage businesses, SMEs and scale-ups in the blue economy. The Blue Invest Platform provides the following services: BlueInvest Community The community is open to entrepreneurs, investors, corporates and innovation stakeholders interested in the […]

EU promotes sustainable fisheries in the Mediterranean at high-level conference on MedFish4Ever initiatives

Adopted in 2017, the Declaration of Marrakech sets in motion a new drive towards sustainable development of Mediterranean fisheries and aquaculture. Riparian countries have committed to a roadmap with concrete actions for the coming 10 years, and significant progress has since been achieved, including ambitious fisheries management measures, protection of biodiversity, improved research and control, and a stepped-up fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU).

Coast Guard Experts discuss burning issues in the Mediterranean

Representatives from the participant countries (Croatia, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Monaco, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey) and organisations (European Commission, EFCA, EMSA, Frontex, INTERPOL) agreed on the need to adopt a common approach in enforcing international conventions and instruments.  The first step is to share information and best practices among European Coast Guard Functions Forum, Black Sea Cooperation forum, Atlantic Coast Guard Forum and Asian Coast Guard Agencies. A useful cooperation tool would be to develop guidelines to better support the implementation of sea basin and sub sea-basin strategies and initiatives.