Entries by Communication team

WestMED Hackathon ’22 – Maritime community gathers in Malta to generate concrete ideas for boosting the blue economy

On June 30 2022, more than 60 representatives from the WestMED Maritime community gathered in Salina Bay on Malta. It was an occasion to develop and discuss project ideas and learn the outcomes of the ‘WestMED in my country’ events. Each WestMED National Hub presented the key takeaways from their ‘in-my-country’ event that had been […]

Women in the Blue Economy | Deadline 22 September 2022

Deadline: 22 September, 2022 Budget: €2.500.000 EURO Countries: France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Italy   Objective This call for proposals has the following main objectives: to increase the participation and representation of women in the different sectors of the sustainable blue economy to increase knowledge and collect data on women’s contribution to the sustainable blue economy […]

Bridging the Maritime Skills Gap. Succesful WestMED event helps identify possible solutions in Malta

Today the WestMED Initiative (Malta) in collaboration with the Malta Maritime Forum organised an event entitled “Blue Skills: Bridging the Skills Gap through Education and Ocean Literacy”. The event was successful in bringing together the views of the captains of industry and academia who identified skills shortages and possible solutions to the skills gap shortages […]

WestMED España organiza una ambiciosa jornada de ‘Diversificación en el Sector Pesquero y Acuícola’ en la sede del Clúster Marítimo-Marino de Andalucía

El evento se celebra este jueves, 5 de mayo, en el edificio The Green Ray de la capital malagueña y contará con un destacadísimo panel de expertos nacionales e internacionales en ambos campos Málaga, 4 de mayo de 2022.- La sede del Clúster Marítimo-Marino de Andalucía (CMMA), ubicado en el edificio The Green Ray (bulevar […]

E-Learning program launched: “Fostering and managing Blue growth Potential in the Mediterranean

Source: Interreg Mediterranean-Blue Growth In the context of the INTERREG EURO-MED Academy, the Blue Growth Community is launching the next 16th of May 2022, the online programme “Fostering and Managing Blue Growth Potential in the Mediterranean”. This e-learning programme is addressed to the next Generation of Mediterranean Leaders on Inclusive and Sustainable Development both from […]

The WestMED Maritime Cluster Alliance helps pave the way for establishing a Mauritanian Maritime Cluster

In the framework of the activities of the WestMED Maritime Clusters Alliance, and thanks to the organization of the WestMED Mauritanian National Coordinator and National Hub, the first event aimed at the establishment of a Maritime Cluster in Mauritania, has shown the importance of such a process in the growth and consolidation of local ecosystems […]

Pêche et aquaculture: près de 2400 diplômés du secteur pour l’année scolaire 2020-2021

Source: www.aps.dz  ALGER – Le nombre de diplômés des instituts et des écoles de formation relevant du secteur de la Pêche et des Productions halieutiques s’est élevé à 2360 étudiants au titre de l’année scolaire 2020-2021, indique samedi un communiqué de la tutelle. En dépit de la conjoncture sanitaire particulière que traverse le pays, en […]