Actualités Tunisie

report cover with people swimming

Report: The future of Mediterranean tourism in a (post) covid world

Mediterranean tourism is now at a crossroad. Severely impacted by travel restrictions due to the COVID19, its future is now decided and faces a fundamental question: back to Mass Tourism or leapfrog towards Sustainability? Download the report that has been prepared by the Eco-Union. This can also be found on a dedicated page of Eco-Union’s […]

man holding pile of cardboard boxes

The EMFF will move from EASME to CINEA per April 1, 2021

With the implementation of the new long-term EU budget (link removed/ inactive page), some EASME managed programme are moving to the new European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).  From 1 April, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), the Life Programme, Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency and partly Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge ‘Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials will by managed […]

Blues Summer School – now accepting applications | 10 selected participants free of charge

The Jean Monnet Module titled “The Blue Economy and Sustainability – the EU and the Mediterranean” (BLUES) supports the running of a summer school on the sustainable blue economy for 3 consecutive summers (2021, 2022 and 2023). This June, EMUNI will run a dynamic and engaging BLUES summer school, offering a combination of distance learning, supervised research or entrepreneurial work, face-to-face interactive […]

swithmed aquaculture in tunisia

Soutien de l’ONUDI pour le développement de l’aquaculture durable en Tunisie dans le cadre de la composante Économie Bleue de SwitchMed

Le 10 mars, l’Organisation des Nations unies pour le développement industriel (ONUDI) a lancé un projet visant à appliquer des pratiques de production plus efficaces en termes de ressources et plus circulaires au sein de la chaîne de valeur de l’aquaculture en Tunisie lors d’un événement en ligne. L’événement a permis de consulter des représentants du […]

Call for participants oinline training on blue jobs and cross-cutting skills for young professionals and graduates of the med countries

14-15 April 2021 | Limited places available Blue Skills required in the future are diverse: soft, technical, digital, social media, environmental, security, entrepreneurial, socio-economic, multi-disciplinary, languages, statistics, law, maritime spatial planning. This programme will be useful for students and young graduates from a wide range of academic backgrounds, and will cover topics relevant for a […]