
UfM Grant Scheme to Promote Employment and Entrepreneurship in the Green Economy | Deadline 29 May 2023

Deadline: 29 May, 2023
Budget: €150.000-300.000
Countries: Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia

With the Grant Scheme to Promote Employment and Entrepreneurship in the Green Economy, the UfM is actively supporting not-for-profit organisations that work to advance the green transition of economies in the Southern Mediterranean in an inclusive and socially just way.

Building on the previous UfM Grant Scheme, which supported employment promotion projects in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this Grant Scheme focuses on sustainable approaches to job creation, skill acquisition and entrepreneurship in the green economy.

More information on the dedicated page from the UfM Sceretariat website

Blue Careers call | Deadline: 31 January 2023

Deadline: 31 January, 2023
Budget: €7.500.000
Countries: France, Italy, Malta, Spain, Portugal, algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania


The overall aim of this Call is to contribute to the development of the next generation of blue skills and to provide opportunities for attractive, sustainable maritime careers. The objective is to develop the necessary skillsets to support the European Green Deal initiatives promoting a sustainable blue economy.

Please, note that there will be an INFO DAY event in hybrid format on 24 November, to present the details of these two Calls. Please find here the link to register on CINEA website:

More information on the dedicated funding and tender opportunities page of the European Commission

Mediterranean sea basin lighthouse – Actions to prevent, minimise and remediate chemical pollution | deadline 27 September 2022

Deadline: 27 September, 2022
Budget: €17.000.000 EURO
Countries: Algeria, France, Italy, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco Portugal, Spain, Tunisia



In line with the EU Zero Pollution Action Plan for Air, Water and Soil, proposals should demonstrate scalable breakthrough innovations (technological, business, social and governance) to prevent and minimize marine and freshwater pollution from chemical pollutants. Following the zero pollution hierarchy, proposals should focus on demonstrating replicable solutions to prevent and minimise pollution in the Mediterranean Sea including its major river catchment areas and taking into consideration land-sea interactions through measures, such as:

  • Upstream prevention of pollution from chemicals;
  • Substitutes or alternative less polluting substances and materials for the most prevalent chemical pollutants found in freshwater and at sea.

Proposed solutions for pollution prevention, elimination and remediation should not increase the level of anthropogenic underwater noise and air emissions.

Proposed solutions should be in line with the EU taxonomy regulation and delegated acts.

Proposals must:

  • Carry out demonstration activities in 3 different Member States and/or Associated Countries of the Mediterranean sea basin, involving and including in the consortium entities from these three countries;
  • Identify areas and locations where the solutions are replicable and draw up an action plan and roadmap to replicate and scale up the pollution solutions and actions.

More information on the EC Funding and Tender opportunities website

ocean-innovation-challnge poster for call

UNDP – Ocean Innovation Challenge – Call Sustainable Fisheries | Deadline 9 May 2021

Deadline: 9 May 2021
Budget: 50.000-250.000 USD
Countries: TN, DZ, MA, MR, LY


  • Fisheries and Aquaculture

The UNDP Ocean Innovation Challenge is looking for innovative solutions promoting sustainable fisheries to receive support up to 250K USD. Application deadline: 9 May 2021.

Over the years, the international community has taken important steps to promote sustainable fishing, such as the FAO’s Code of Conduct on Responsible Fishing, the 1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement, and through the work of various regional fisheries agreements and RFMOs. Nevertheless, progress on key SDG 14 targets pertaining to sustainable fisheries has lagged and the main target, 14.4, was clearly not met in 2020.

Recognizing the increasing urgency of addressing unsustainable fishing, the second OIC Challenge, launched in March 2021, seeks innovative solutions that address one or more of the following SDG 14 targets:

Project proponents can include governments, private companies (including start-ups), NGO/CSO, United Nations entities, academic institutions, and intergovernmental organizations.

Over the years, the international community has taken important steps to promote sustainable fishing, such as the FAO’s Code of Conduct on Responsible Fishing, the 1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement, and through the work of various regional fisheries agreements and RFMOs. Nevertheless, progress on key SDG 14 targets pertaining to sustainable fisheries has lagged and the main target, 14.4, was clearly not met in 2020.

Recognizing the increasing urgency of addressing unsustainable fishing, the second OIC Challenge, launched in March 2021, seeks innovative solutions that address one or more of the following SDG 14 targets:

Project proponents can include governments, private companies (including start-ups), NGO/CSO, United Nations entities, academic institutions, and intergovernmental organizations.

More information on the call-page of the ocean innovation challenge website