
  • BlueMed Hackathon: call for ideas and solutions for a Healthy Plastic Free Mediterranean Sea

    27 avril 2021 Communication team

    In the frame of the Pilot Action on marine litter, BlueMed launches a Hackathon team challenge to develop ideas and solutions for a Healthy Plastic Free Mediterranean Sea, to promote sustainable blue growth and circular bioeconomy in the Mediterranean. The Hackathon is dedicated to 18-30 years old Master and PhD candidates or graduates in STEM disciplines, designer/creatives […]

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  • Mauritanie-Algérie : ouverture d’une ligne maritime stratégique pour l’export

    24 avril 2021 Communication team

    Source: Financial Afrik La Mauritanie et l’Algérie ont procédé lundi 12 avril au port d’Alger, à l’ouverture officielle d’une nouvelle ligne maritime entre Alger et Nouakchott. Ce premier axe maritime  est destiné essentiellement à faciliter  l’export des produits algériens vers la Mauritanie, mais également en Afrique. D’après la fiche technique, ce trajet est géré par […]

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  • Pesceinrete: Le imprese ittiche della Mauritania aderiscono alla fiera di Assoittica

    23 avril 2021 Communication team

    Source: Pesceinrete/ Domenico Letizia Original article:   Nel Paese le opportunità legate alla pesca sono tantissime e le imprese locali vogliono inseguire innovazione e sostenibilità. Anche la Mauritania aderisce alla fiera ittica virtuale mondiale di Assoittica Italia, la fiera Digital Seafood Trade Show. In Mauritania, la piccola pesca è minacciata da un sistema invasivo e legato alle vecchie logiche […]

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  • Maritime Spatial Planning: most countries late, offshore wind must remain a priority

    22 avril 2021 Communication team

    Source: wind europe Only 6 EU countries met the deadline for the submission of the final Maritime Spatial Plans.  Others will need to ensure that their Plans are aligned with EU climate goals and allow for the development of offshore wind. Offshore wind will play a central role in helping the EU meet its climate […]

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  • Algerian-Italian fisheries partnership | نحو شراكة جزائرية ايطالية في مجال الصيد البحري

    National Hub Algeria

    Publié le 08/03/2021 Source: نحو شراكة جزائرية ايطالية في مجال الصيد البحري | MPPH ( نحو شراكة جزائرية ايطالية في مجال الصيد البحري إستقبل السيد سيد أحمد فروخي، وزير الصيد البحري و المنتجات الصيدية، يوم الاثنين 08 مارس 2021 ، سعادة سفير ايطاليا بالجزائر السيد جيوفاني بوقلياز، بمقر الوزارة وسمح اللقاء باستعراض سبل تطوير التعاون […]

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