Actualités France

announcement poster westmed commission report

Commission report on the implementation of the Western Mediterranean initiative

Source: European commission   The Commission has adopted a report on the outcomes of the Western Mediterranean (WestMED) initiativeSearch for available translations of the preceding which has been in place for 5 years. Since 2017, five EU Member States (France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Malta), and five southern partner countries (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and […]

Synergies to address pollution in the Mediterranean: REMPEC hosts the first Coordination Meeting on the Mediterranean Strategy (2022-2031)

The Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC) is hosting the First Coordination Meeting on the Mediterranean Strategy for the Prevention of, Preparedness, and Response to Marine Pollution from Ships (2022-2031), in its premises in Malta between 29 November and 1 December 2022. Gathering representatives from Contracting Parties to the Barcelona […]


Sharemed presents Framework for Marine Observations in the Mediterranean

At its flagship internationalisation workshop in Malta on 13/14th September 2022, the MED programme SHAREMED strategic project presented the framework guidelines and proposed actions to organize and synergize the cross-sectoral and cross-border articulation of a marine observation system of systems to assess and address environmental threats in the Mediterranean Sea, connecting marine research to society, […]

Medban 2022 signature of Memorandum of Understanding with representatives seated at conference table

MEDBAN: six mediterranean maritime clusters join forces under the guidance of the WestMED Assistance Mechanism

Today (July 6, 2022) the COSME MEDBAN (MEDiterranean Blue Acceleration Network) was launched  with the signature of  the Memorandum of Understanding  between its partners in the headquarters of the Fedarzione Del Mare in Rome. MEDBAN, is a consortium that consists of six clusters: Fórum Oceano (leader), Federazione del Mare, Cluster BIG – Blue Italian Growth, CMIB Cluster Marítimo Illes Balears, Strategis – Maritime ICT […]

conference room filled with people at the WestMED hackathon 22 event in Malta

WestMED Hackathon ’22 – Maritime community gathers in Malta to generate concrete ideas for boosting the blue economy

On June 30 2022, more than 60 representatives from the WestMED Maritime community gathered in Salina Bay on Malta. It was an occasion to develop and discuss project ideas and learn the outcomes of the ‘WestMED in my country’ events. Each WestMED National Hub presented the key takeaways from their ‘in-my-country’ event that had been […]

westmed.euromaritime.22- Colin ruel and frederick Herpers presenting

L’initiative WestMed était de retour à Marseille lors d’Euromaritime 2022 le 28 juin

Dans le cadre de la série d’événements nationaux organisés par le mécanisme d’assistance, le hub France a accueilli une séquence  » bilan et perspectives  » de son activité le 28 juin 2022 dans l’espace Mer-Recherche. L’événement a été ouvert par le Secrétaire général de la mer qui assure la coordination de l’engagement français dans l’initiative […]