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Aide au développement de navires et bateaux innovants améliorer la performance énergétique ou environnementale

Deadline: 30 April 2021
Budget: 15 Million euro
Countries: FR


  • Fisheries and Aquaculture

FranceAgriMer met en place un programme d’aide  aux  projets d’investissements pour le développement de navires et bateaux innovants pour permettre d’améliorer la performance énergétique ou environnementale par appel à projets (bientôt disponible). Les dossiers seront traités par un appel à projets dans la limite d’une enveloppe de 15 M€ qui se clôturera le 30/04/2021

Les modalités de mise en œuvre de ce programme d’aide sont disponibles dans la décision INTV-POP-010 téléchargeable ci-dessous, dans la zone « documents associés ».

Les dossiers seront déposés par un opérateur disposant d’un N° SIRET via le remplissage d’un formulaire en ligne permettant de renseigner les éléments suivants :

  • L’identification du porteur ;
  • La localisation de l’opération ;
  • Description du projet prévisionnel notamment en regard des critères de sélection;
  • La liste des dépenses prévues ;
  • Le montant d’aide demandé.

L’opération ne peut être éligible que si elle n’est pas commencée au moment du dépôt (pas de devis signé ou accepté avant le dépôt notamment).

En savoir plus: Aide au développement de navires et bateaux innovants améliorer la performance énergétique ou environnementale | FranceAgriMer – établissement national des produits de l’agriculture et de la mer

fisherman casting net

Call for Grants for small-scale fishers in the Mediterranean

Deadline: 15 May 2021
Budget: 5.000-20.000 euro
Countries: ES, FR, IT


  • Fisheries

Funding is available from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) to advance Mediterranean small-scale fisheries towards sustainability

The Grants are a way for WWF to support small-scale fisheries on their path towards sustainability by accelerating the use of funding available from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). Grants are reserved for fishers committed to submitting a Request for Funds to the National Authorities that manage the EMFF.

The WWF CALL FOR GRANTS pursues the following objectives:
• To provide Mediterranean small-scale fishers with the necessary co-financing and technical assistance to apply to EMFF for implementing actions towards a more sustainable fishing;
• To improve small-scale fishers’ capacity to apply to the EMFF;
• To increase small scale fishers’ interest in the EMFF and to accelerate the use of available funds to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable fishing;
• To accelerate the implementation of the Regional Plan of Action on Small-Scale Fisheries (RPOA-SSF) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

All information and document library available here


EMFF Call | Algae and Climate

Deadline: 31 May 2021
Budget: 250.000 euro
Countries: ES, FR, IT, MT, PT
Participation in this call is also open to all natural and legal persons established in a third country, which has a special agreement with the European Union in the field of public procurement on the conditions laid down in that agreement

  • Fisheries/ Aquaculture
  • Maritime pollution and circular economy

EASME is launching this call for tenders in order to conclude a service contract for a study aimed to investigate the use of algae cultivation and its potential contribution to the EU’s climate objectives.

EASME wishes to enter into a service contract to assess the potential of algae to contribute to the EU’s climate, food and biodiversity strategies under the 2019 EU Green Deal proposal resetting the Commission’s commitment to achieving zero emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 with economic growth decoupled from resource use.

The purpose of this service is to provide the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries with a basic background knowledge and up-to-date information that can increase the evidence base for the contribution of the Blue Economy to the EU’s Green Deal. The focus should be put on the costs, impact and benefits of scaling up production of marine algae through aquaculture in the EU.

The services to be delivered will cover all EU Member States, including their Outermost Regions.

All information and document library available here

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Call for ideas | Detection and Tracking Marine Pollution and Litter

Deadline: 30 April 2021
Budget: N/A
Countries: All
Themes: Maritime pollution and circular economy

The van Allen Foundation launched a new Call for innovative ideas for the detection and monitoring of marine litter in the western Mediterranean

The van Allen Foundation, a partnership foundation of the University of Montpellier, and IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, invite public and private organizations to propose ideas and suggestions aimed at addressing the issue of detection and tracking marine pollution and litter in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea.

Although the emphasis is on the contribution of space techniques, the call for ideas is thus open to studies of numerical simulation, physics of measurement, measurements in the laboratory or at sea, and the application of artificial intelligence for the recognition of polluted pixels, or the carrying of sensors of opportunity, etc.

The Call for ideas is addressed to scientists and engineers, as well as to students, working in public or private laboratories or entities in France and worldwide.

Applications must reach the Van Allen Foundation Secretariat before April 30, 2021.

Postal address: Bât. 5-IES, 860 rue St Priest, CC 06 002, 34095 Montpellier cedex 5, France.


All details at can be found in this pdf

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Contrat-cadre multiple relatif à la dispense de conseils scientifiques concernant la Méditerranée et la mer Noire

Date limite: 12 April 2021
Budget: 7.000.000 euro
Pays: FR, ES, IT, MT, PT
(It is also open to all natural and legal persons established in a third country, which has a special agreement with the European Union in the field of public procurement on the conditions laid down in that agreement)

Themes: Fisheries/ Aquaculture


L’objectif du présent contrat-cadre est de fournir à la DG MARE un outil flexible pour demander des réponses scientifiques spécifiques et ponctuelles grâce à des conseils et/ou à d’autres services préliminaires spécifiques nécessaires à la fourniture de conseils, à l’aide de contrats spécifiques. Cette aide est nécessaire à la politique quotidienne et à la gestion de la pêche en Méditerranée et en mer Noire dans le cadre de la politique commune de la pêche et des objectifs de la CGPM.

Cet appel d’offres est divisé en trois lots:

  1. Contrat-cadre multiple relatif à la dispense de conseils scientifiques concernant la Méditerranée occidentale et centrale.
  2. Contrat-cadre multiple relatif à la dispense de conseils scientifiques concernant la mer Méditerranée orientale.
  3. Contrat-cadre multiple relatif à la dispense de conseils scientifiques concernant la mer Noire

Toutes les informations et documents associés disponibles sur:


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Appel à consultation pour la préparation d’un nouveau projet GEF

Date limite: 15 mars 2021
Budget: 85.000 euro
Pays: Tous les pays OuestMED
Thèmes: Les aires marines protegees

En collaboration avec MedPAN, The MedFund lance un appel à consultation pour la préparation et la rédaction du document de projet et du dossier d’approbation pour le projet intitulé « Build back a blue and stronger Mediterranean » financé par le GEF.

En s’appuyant sur la note de concept approuvée par le conseil du GEF ainsi que sur les études et initiatives existantes et les contributions des principaux partenaires, le consultant international adoptera les modèles requis par l’agence d’implémentation CI-GEF et conduira la préparation du Safeguards Plan, ProDoc and GEF CEO Endorsement Package pour le projet « Build back a blue and stronger Mediterranean » .

Consultez les termes de référence ici (disponibles en anglais seulement).

Les candidats doivent soumettre leurs offres par voie électronique à l’adresse électronique suivante :
Les offres doivent être reçues au plus tard le lundi 15 mars 2021 à 12h00, heure d’Europe centrale.

Tenders must be received no later than 12.00 Central European Time on Monday 15 March 2021.


poster galatea call

GALATEA – Blue Growth Accelerator

Deadline: 31 March 2021
Budget: 1.308.000 euro
Countries: Spain, France, Greece
Themes: Maritime Technology/ Innovation

The project aims at developing new cross-sectoral and cross-border industrial value-chains integrating technologies and know-how from aerospace and ICT communities to 4 key Blue Growth domains: Smart Port, Smart Ship, Smart Shipyard and Maritime Surveillance.

Under the Voucher scheme, SMEs can get direct financial support of up to 20.000 € if they apply for development and technology transfer activities. For prototyping or demonstration vouchers, applications must be submitted through a consortium of at least two SMEs, and each SME can get up to 60.000 €.

Only SMEs members of the GALATEA clusters or located in GALATEA countries are eligible (France, Spain, Greece, Poland and Romania).

For more information about the calls, check the GALATEA website.

announcement marter call

MarTERA Call 2021

Deadline: 26 March 2021
Budget: EUR 8.5 million
Countries: Malta

  • Maritime Technology/ Innovation

MarTERA has launched a fourth joint call for transnational research and innovation projects. This call is initiated by ministries/funding organisations from 9 countries: Belarus, Belgium, Germany, Malta, Norway, Poland, Romania, South Africa and Turkey. The total funding budget is EUR 8.5 million.

The call covers the following priority areas:

  • Priority Area 1: Environmentally friendly maritime technologies
  • Priority Area 2: Innovative concepts for ships and offshore structures
  • Priority Area 3: Automation, sensors, monitoring and observations
  • Priority Area 4: Advanced manufacturing and production
  • Priority Area 5: Safety and security

Apply before the 23rd of March 2021!

More information:

announcement cosme call tourism

COSME Call | Tourism and Digitalisation

Deadline: 11 February 2021
Budget: 8 000 000 euro (maximum 1 000 000 per grant)
Countries: Algeria, France, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia

  • Maritime and Coastal Tourism
  • Maritime Technology/ Innovation

The general objective of this Call is to boost the uptake of digitalisation and innovation by tourism SMEs through transnational cooperation and capacity building.

With an estimated budget estimated at 8 million euro, this action aims at reinforcing transnational and cross-border cooperation; fostering SME’s digital capacities and skills, and fostering sustainable solutions for improving tourism management.

Eligible participants must be fully or partly public or private bodies; private bodies must be properly constituted and registered under national law.

All the information at European Commission’s website:

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COSME Call for proposals | Technology & SMEs

Deadline: 2 February 2021
Budget: €5.000.000

This call for proposals aims to fund two pilot projects focused on building alliances among traditional and tech-savvy SMEs through industrial cluster organisations in order to promote SME collaboration and technology adoption within specific industrial ecosystems. The final objective of this call is to contribute to a wider spreading and diffusion of advanced technologies across SMEs in Europe and boost economic recovery. Applicants must be legal entities and shall be representatives of industry, research community, and technology providers, such as cluster organizations; technology centres and SMEs. Learn more on EASME’s website