EMD2024 workshop: Maximising synergies amongst EU « blue » initiatives | 30 May 2024 | Svendborg, Denmark

30 mai 2024 - 30 mai 2024

event announcement poster for EU Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism workshop at EMD 2024 in Svendborg, Denmark

This workshop is part of the European Maritime Day 2024 and  is organised by the EU sea Basins Assistance Mechanism – that includes the WestMED

We will explore how the EU Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism as a “transversal” initiative in each region (Atlantic, Western Mediterranean and the Black Sea) has supported, and can further enhance, an effective cooperation between various “thematic” EU initiatives – e.g. in the areas of Aquaculture, Maritime Spatial Planning, Energy Transition, S3, etc.

As a result of this workshop, which aims to bring together a wide diversity of experts and practitioners from various sectors, a number of concrete actions for further cooperation will be identified. These will include cooperation on funding and project development support, coordinated inputs towards policy recommendations and stakeholder engagement.

Matteo Bocci from the EU Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism will be moderating.


  • Olga Mashkina – EU4OCEAN Coalition
  • Margherita Zorgno – Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership
  • Ana Peralta Baptista – Energy Transition Partnership

Workshop info and registration

EMD info and registration