Kick-off meeting French BlueMissionMed Hub together with the WestMED Initiative | 30 november 2023 | La Seyne-sur-Mer, France

30 novembre 2023 - 30 novembre 2023

A workshop on marine pollution in the Mediterranean is organized on November 30, 2023 in collaboration with WestMED and its national coordinator, Ifremer, Pôle Mer Méditerranée and BlueMed.

It aims to launch a dynamic of mobilization through a Hub that will facilitate the commitment of Mediterranean stakeholders to synergize Ocean Mission’s actions in supporting the fight against marine pollution (chemical and plastic).

This new initiative is fully in line with WestMED’s current and future actions through targeted themes but also through the ambition to support the emergence of collaborative projects that develop (technological, social, commercial, governance) innovations.

On the program: information on the operation and opportunities of the Ocean mission, the WestMED assistance mechanism and its contribution to the Mission and the project dynamics, the state-of-play of pollution in the Mediterranean, testimonies from institutional actors, scientists, industrialists and civil society.


BlueMissionMed website

Fore more information, please contact Colin RUEL (French WestMED National Hub) :  or

This event is by invitation only