Conference on Blue Growth | Postponed | Chania
01 April 2020 - 02 April 2020
Chania, Greece
The Conference on Blue Growth offers the opportunity to debate the importance of a sustainable blue economy to deliver in the fields of the Blue Growth Pillar of the EUSAIR macro-regional Strategy.
It comes at a timely moment, when the Blue Growth Pillar of the Strategy is seeking ways to make the most of new advancements in the fields of biotechnology and innovation, incorporating their findings into proposals and potential project ideas to be further elaborated and financed under the EUSAIR Facility Point Strategic Project or other potential sources of financing to be employed for the projects’ elaboration and implementation.
Meanwhile, the European Commission has just announced its measures and new targets, in terms of the Respective Legislative Framework, while being in preparation of the next programming period of 2021-2027. The process of putting forward a solid implementation framework for the EUSAIR Strategy, to enhance its role and value in the years to come, it is of great concern and importance for the blue economy.
This Conference will provide the opportunity to explore and debate the importance of the blue economy findings, to network with blue growth actors, as well as to prepare and elaborate blue projects within EUSAIR and a wider context.
The conference is scheduled to last one and a half day on the island of Crete in the City of Chania. The first day, representatives from Research Institutes and Academia will contribute with updated scientific results on the topics on blue biotechnology, fisheries and marine and maritime services, while the second day will include presentations of potential project ideas and networking as well as study visits bringing together Academia/Researchers and the EUSAIR key implementers in order to identify tangible project proposals.
Please take note of the timetable of the Blue Growth Conference:
Wednesday 1.4.2020 Morning – Afternoon: Scientific part of Conference
Thursday 2.4.2020 Morning – Noon: study visits or presentations of potential project ideas to be financed under EUSAIR Facility Point and networking
The afternoon of April 2nd and the morning of April 3rd will be dedicated to the Pillar I Blue Growth Thematic Steering Group meeting which is a closed, internal, technical meeting.
The Blue Growth Conference is free of charge but subject to registration here.